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in the past few years是什么意思(in the past few years 用在什么时态中)

导读 大家好,小中来为大家解答以上的问题。in the past few years是什么意思,in the past few years 用在什么时态中这个很多人还不知

大家好,小中来为大家解答以上的问题。in the past few years是什么意思,in the past few years 用在什么时态中这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、in the past few years 在过去的几年里 用于现在完成时态.例:In the past few years they have been dealing with quite a few international corporations successfully. 在过去的几年中他们与好几家跨国公司做生意一直做得很成功。

2、He has shown his captaincy mettle over the past few years. 过去几年里他已经显示出担任队长职务的素质。

3、The price of house have virtually doubled over the past few years. 房价这几年来简直涨了一倍。

4、事态要用 ---  现在完成时一般过去时用在过去式、Past表明了是在过去。

